This is a critical stack as it reveals what is written between the lines. People need to pay attention to the programming and brainwashing and the least obvious is the most effective in breaking faith, family and country. If you don’t watch your foundation you house will fall down.

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The problems started here in Canuckistan in 1969 when the father of the current slime minister made homosexuality and abortion legal. Thus the radfems betrayed their sisters. After that aborticide was used as a birth control method. God creates life the moment conception occurs and nobody has the right to interfere in His will. That is what the damned CYSTem has tried with MAID up here. (euthanasia)

My minister says it will only get worse. He is correct. While He is always in control there are few times He will interfere with man. We get what we deserve and hell has enlarged itself. He is using a strange and foreign people to punish us as He did in the Old Testament times.

He will not be mocked. Many western nations have by rote embraced the same destructive policies...illegal aliens crossing open borders...moslem migrants...gang members and other criminal types.

The average male soy boy will not get involved in any way that would jeopardize his wokist wankery.

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