Jun 8Liked by Jim Torma

Katherine Fitts makes me sick. She’s a damn banker! She’s a narcissist. Liberals hate Trump.

Great substack Torma!

I follow you because you are not fake…you say what you feel even if it offends people.

That’s REAL. Just like Trump!

What’s not to ❤️ love👍about REAL.

PLUS trump has that little comedic quality in him you just can’t resist😂🤣

Everything you say here I agree 💯 percent!

Looking forward to reading your future substack!

Thx for the invite😄

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Thank you so much for your kind words and real words. Hard to find real people and I am glad to know you. Fitts makes me puke too. I have never liked her. My gut told me she was shyte from the start. I also don’t trust a single person from the Bush administrations. Barr and Barrett worked for the Bush clan and so far Barr has proven he is not a Patriot and what I have heard Barrett say in some Supreme court discussions is very worrisome. Thanks again!!

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Fitts makes me sick, too :-(

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Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


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This is shaping up to be the kind of stack that is rich with information. Thank you for your contribution La Gâta💪

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Thank you. Your opinion is much appreciated!!

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Damn girl…you do your homework!👍😄

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She is a real sleuth!!!

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Gotta bring those receipts💅

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Jun 9Liked by Jim Torma

You blew me away with this one. Wow, thank you, gracias. I'd forgotten so much of it. Reminds me of other items, but have at 82 turned into a coward. Have been stalk ed since 2010 because I didn't realize that censures were in. I did not grow up in that kind of an atmosphere. Moved out of the country, thinking it would help. No, it did not.

Worked in AIDS research, 1985, (the year after fuksey was basically hired by hit-leery), my boss was an MD, Harvard prof. The F was/is and always will be racist. What about Ant rax? One prof committed suicide the other got 6 mill. Years of harassment along with the F b eye. Now this.

You have given me hope. The Nurberg 'trials' were a joke, Half of the weapons made were made by them. You know, the deceased ones. You're the first one to mention so much of the dog pile.

The only suggestion I can make is to be leery of Wikipedia.

Just for fun, off topic., The first LEGAL (Black) slave for life in the US was owned by a former (Black) 'slave'. They were not slaves. They were indentured servants, and were free to leave after it was paid off. Some were given 50 acres of ground because the food was needed. Even Smithsonian changed their info. They all skirt around it.

With your permission, I'd like to make a copy and share it with a friend.

Again, thank you.

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Jun 8Liked by Jim Torma

Hi 👋🏻 I’m just finding your stack (via referral) .. this is a sincere question .. is this Judy Mikovits, Steve Kirsch and Pierre Kory? They are all part of the bigger evil picture?

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Wow… okay… where can I start reading on those angles … I just read some disturbing information on McCulloch too … 🤯

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Please go to Housatonic live on Rumble. Fascinating information. You will see Mikovits info and so much more. That is the best place to start your journey then dig down into the minutia

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Jun 8Liked by Jim Torma

Thank you!

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Excuse my rudeness but if you go to my Substack you'll also find info on Malone, Kirsch and Kory's nonprofit. I follow Housatonic as well, his research is excellent. He has the best, most organized database I've ever seen (Housatonic.its)- he's a computer engineer and a very good one.

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Not rude at all. The more info people can get the more people will see to set them free.

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Thank you La Gata! I will keep looking. I’m having a hard time getting into rumble for some reason. And you are not rude at all. The more information the better. The more support the better. Love your profile statement 🙂 Many years ago my father was a naturalized US citizen too. He worked hard to assimilate into the American way of life and to give his family all that he could. He did a lot of business in Florida back in the 70s-80s and used to share with us how much respect he had for the Cuban people. Most of my friends and first boyfriend growing up were Cubans. Love your culture. Broken hearted for what has been done to Cuba. Thankfully you are here and can help educate. Because of people like you and my father, I’m so angry about the open borders and the intention behind the action. I pray to God 45 can really exile the millions that are here illegally.

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Thank you. My people are loud and proud and sometimes obnoxious 😂Mark is also on Odysee (link below). I've learned some researching skills from him and I appreciate that he shares it at no cost to us. Another excellent researcher is coreysdigs.com - she actually has great info on how-to research and has been warning us about the CBDCs and other things.

Happy learning!


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😃 thank you again!

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Judy Mikovits worked in AIDS research in the mid 1980s. She did her research, turned it into the director, fuksey, for review was discredited and fired. Fuksey and Robt Gallo, #2 (not sure of spelling) sat on it for a number of months, then much of it reappeared under Gallo's name. That's all I know. It would not surprise me if they have continued their vendetta.

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Go to the Housatonic Rumble channel and if you don’t want the extended version listen to Mikovits in her own words in the 1:26 minute excerpt. Autism is not caused by vaccines, it exists and is triggered by _________. Or for even better funding programming listen to the extended version. Just scroll through the historical material Mark has compiled.

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Jun 9Liked by Jim Torma

Thank you

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Definitely worth the long copy design of much needed answers to so many questions.

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Thank you Shelley!!

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I think you are off target with Dr. Kory but on target with the horse guy. Some good people get along with the horse guy. Small little detail.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

Thank you brother. I will post the reason for all of them soon. Kory for the record was the one who did the study acknowledging that George Floyd's death was by asphyxiation. Not a single mention of lethal drugs in his veins. This was a tool the left/BLM/ANTIFA used to burn down America. Kory was also part of the group (Malone included working together) advocating for famotidine as a COVID killer only to find famotidine to be a part of a huge cancer lawsuit because of it's use. I am preparing Addendum which is an update to the original post but will also update the original post with support material. Please check it out and let me know if you change your mind. I am finding that there are a bunch of doctors and actors that may seem great till you dig below the surface and realize they are also actors that are providing deception. Growing up my father taught me that during the communist takeover of Hungary, after WWII, there were many who pretended to help the state to identify the freedom fighting leaders in each community. After the 56 Revolution my father escaped assassination by fleeing to Canada. He was working with others still in Hungary to overthrow the communists and the overthrow was scheduled for the spring of 64. Upon the assassination of JFK in November 1963 my father was given news that the spring offensive was cancelled as many in Hungary that year who were part of the new revolution, were assassinated.

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I am not sure that short term use of famotidine is a problem. There is merit to the idea of using antihistamines to block H1 and H2. Famotidine would take care of H2. What's the story with cancer suit?

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Jun 14Liked by Jim Torma

As a retired MD I used to think medicine was based upon the best scientific evidence available. Now major scientific journals are deleting thousands and thousands of articles because they are junk science. Doctors were forced to be complicit with government death protocols. That made doctors and hospitals co-conspirators in the greatest crime ever committed on earth.

I used to think the world was right side up, but now it appears upside down. Those of us who see what has happened, if we go public with our views we are in danger of ending up in a gulag just for disagreeing with government policies. We can be charged as domestic terrorists if we are conservative politically.

When I worked as a psychiatrist I tried to understand how my psychotic patients saw the world. Now I feel I am living in a semi-psychotic reality that involves our entire country.

Then there are people who bought the entire propaganda and still do, and think the world is just fine. They think a President who wanders aimlessly away from people at a G7 meeting should continue being our President. And they are the sane ones?

That is why Jim Torma is right. We need MAGA and Trump.

But we also need to be able to step up in any way we can. We shouldn't depend upon others to save us. If anyone has suggestions as to what the average American person can do, please let me know. I am a 71 year old grandmother and I do not want to leave this current world for my grandsons.

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Jun 14Liked by Jim Torma

Great article!

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Jim, I left an email with patriot@fear.academy for you.

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You blew me away with this one. Wow, thank you, gracias. I'd forgotten so much of it. Reminds me of other items, but have at 82 turned into a coward. Have been stalk ed since 2010 because I didn't realize that censures were in. I did not grow up in that kind of an atmosphere. Moved out of the country, thinking it would help. No, it did not.

Worked in AIDS research, 1985, (the year after fuksey was basically hired by hit-leery), my boss was an MD, Harvard prof. The F was/is and always will be racist. What about Ant rax? One prof committed suicide the other got 6 mill. Years of harassment along with the F b eye. Now this.

You have given me hope. The Nurberg 'trials' were a joke, Half of the weapons made were made by them. You know, the deceased ones. You're the first one to mention so much of the dog pile.

The only suggestion I can make is to be leery of Wikipedia.

Just for fun, off topic., The first LEGAL (Black) slave for life in the US was owned by a former (Black) 'slave'. They were not slaves. They were indentured servants, and were free to leave after it was paid off. Some were given 50 acres of ground because the food was needed. Even Smithsonian changed their info. They all skirt around it.

With your permission, I'd like to make a copy and share it with a friend.

Again, thank you.

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It's a shame you provided assertions as statements of fact without substantiation.

At least some of your assertions in this article Trump are demonstrably false when looking at the facts.

Also, may I please ask where the "5D chess" reference comes from? Is this a QAnon reference?

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Not a single thing I said about Trump and what he stated is false Michael. Get ready for my updated version of this Substack as well as my ADDENDUM Substack. Brace yourself.

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Awesome. Let's go. Always happy to be proven wrong🙂

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Not to worry Michael. I will provide substantiation but I had to get out my thoughts. It’s a work in progress that will be refined in time.

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Are you a Q tard Michael? Stick to your brand of gloss and whitewashing. Facts matter and as I expand in each reveal you can scramble to protect your narrative.

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My only narrative is the truth (the full and unfiltered one) but thanks for your 'thoughtful' reply...

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Me too Michael and as I refine this piece it will become crystal clear.

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Ok. Great. Would love to have another read then when it's "refined".

Btw, I think your assessment of what the injectables were ultimately for and that it was far more sinister than just kill people is spot on. I agree completely!


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Thank you. You triggered me when you referenced Q my apologies.

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No worries. I acknowledge it can be triggering.

It's just that the term you used is very popular in that 'community'...

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No. Trump is CIA. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2017/10/goodfellas-hidden-history-of-resorts.html. Trump launched Warp Speed. Trump was a Clintonista. Trump is not the last American hero. The Feral Government is not in the hands of the voters. Trump is part of the larger jigsaw puzzle of Zionism and Money. After all, if he is such a terrible judge of character how can he govern? Face it. Elections are a fraud and voters are marks. Boycott fake elections. Boycott the Duopoly.

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You are the barrier to truth bro. Anyone stopping people from voting in a Republic is a liar. You are an obvious Bolshevik Marxist. Tell your handler’s you failed!!

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Two right wings pro-war and pro-vaccination. Choose how many masters you need before you wake up and recall you are the master and they your servant. Berdyaev: What does the word bourgeois actually mean? It has remained unexplained, though it has been so much used and so often misapplied. Even when superficially used it is a word with a magic power of its own, and its depth has to be fathomed. The word designates a spiritual state, a direction of the soul, a peculiar consciousness of beings. It is neither a social nor an economic condition, yet it is something more than a psychological and ethical one—it is spiritual, ontological. In the very depths of his being, or nonbeing, the bourgeois is distinguishable from the not bourgeois; he is a man of a particular spirit, or particular soullessness. The state of being bourgeois has always existed in the world, and its immortal image is for ever fixed in the gospels with its equally immortal antithesis, but in the nineteenth century it attained its climaxjmd ruled supreme. Though the middle-class society of the last century is so spoken of in the superficial social-economic significance of the term, it is bourgeois in a deeper and more spiritual sense. This middle-class mentality ripened and enslaved human society and culture at the summit of their civilization. Its concupiscence is no longer restricted by man’s supernatural beliefs as it was past epochs, it is no longer kept in bounds by the sacred symbolism of a nobler traditional culture; the bourgeois spirit emancipated itself, expanded, and was at last able to express its own type of life. But even when the triumph of mediocrity was complete a few deep thinkers denounced it with uncompromising power: Carlyle, Nietzsche, Ibsen, Leon Bloy, Dostoievsky, Leontiev—all foresaw the victory of the bourgeois spirit over a truly great culture, on the ruins of which it would establish its own hideous kingdom.

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Like I said the authors you quote are all rooted in the Marxist Bolshevik ideology in one Godless form or another and your statement about Pro War and Pro Vaccination shows the absurd state of your mind and blind lack of rationale or comprehension of the facts as they are. You must have been masked up so long that you deprived your mind of oxygen. You sound like a misguided zealot whose imagination has taken them into the bowels and deepest depths of hell on earth. God help your soul and I wish your mind a transformational healing. Insanity is not a place to be.

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No. The issue is simply elections do not and cannot alter the trajectory of the Federal Empire as charted in the late 19th century. Berdyaev and Bloy by the way are Christian. Both I might add are opposed to idolatry of the State. Seriously our government is owned by Zionists. Both teams, all leading candidates. Explain how you change this system by a vote when money buys the candidate votes? And explain after Warp Speed and his constant praise of death jabs why you expect Trump to wear a white hat? The Democrats and the Republicans worship Mammon.

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You completely miss the power of the people and the populist movement’s ability to seize power back from the charlatans that duped everyone including Trump. Trump is a builder/contractor and real estate expert and as such he has his niche and his time in Television in everyone’s homes for years gave him a celebrity that enabled him to further connect with the people, be loved by the people that fuels him to this day, but as anyone knows, with celebrity and TV comes the parasites and charlatans who will slit your throat on a turn of a dime to gain an edge. His venture into the Presidency brought out the worst and also galvanized the group that have gaslit the public for decades and created a narrative for them to swallow that team red fights team blue and in the end the people always lose. Trump turned that narrative on its head as he had both red and blue following him on TV and they all loved him and this is what they want destroyed. The deceit that took place, to set him up, was on a grand scale and the same deceivers that have been deceiving the public for generations, now much more sophisticated yet at the same time far weaker and that crack in their veneer occurred when Trump became president. They completely lied to his face when he told them that the people must not be harmed yet not only were they harmed, there was a mass murder called protocols!! Trump would be a fool to admit the mistake until he takes the White House again. When he does and tells the public the truth God help the deceivers for the wrath of the people will be unstoppable. Why do you think they are in scorched earth mode?? In 5D chess you let the people shine and take out the trash. The quake will be felt around the globe!!

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Jun 9Liked by Jim Torma


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Trump is a sophisticated very wealthy man from New York who got out of the Stock Market just before the crash of 1987. He also helped the CIA in his real estate career. His help helped him in Atlantic City. He is not a simpleton. He is a member of the Club. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2017/10/goodfellas-hidden-history-of-resorts.html

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So I read the blog spot front to back. Nice story and thick. Very leftist angle which again tells me my first statement or assessment was correct. Marxist Bolshevik. Just didn’t add up. Nice try though.

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